Will you trust Me?

The God of Israel whispered the words above to me in a hospital waiting room in 2003. I had just signed a consent form to rush wife Alisa back to surgery following her mastectomy and breast reconstruction. A blood clot had formed in the surgical area. It was a gut punch. I was scared. I answered the LORD softly “Yes.”

In 2006 I heard the same conversation almost word for word in the ABC miniseries The Ten Commandments. Moses (actor Dougray Scott) faces the Red Sea as Egyptian chariots charge toward the trapped Israelites. He looks scared. Then God speaks to Moses in a still small voice, and Moses responds softly in this brief exchange (video below):

God: You know My voice. You know who I Am

Moses: Yes

God: Do you trust Me?

Moses: Yes

Both threats provoked the same response – God showed up. My wife survived breast cancer and the blood clot, and the Israelites survived the Exodus. I believe God still would have drawn close and comforted us had He chosen not to heal Alisa. We were safe in His hands regardless of the outcome. How about you, friend? Are you facing a trial or crisis, or know someone who is? Draw near to Yeshua (Jesus) of Nazareth. He’s aware of the situation. He’s asking you to trust Him.


Written by Jeff King

Jeff is a retired newspaper journalist in the United States and follower of Yeshua (Jesus) of Nazareth

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